
Measurement operators, static and dynamic.

There are six classes contained in this module, each representing a different type of measurement operator. Three of them are static, i.e. they are used to simulate measurements of still images, and three are dynamic, i.e. they are used to simulate measurements of moving objects, represented as a sequence of images.


set_dyn_pinv(meas_op, motion[, interp_mode, reg])


DynamicHadamSplit(M, h[, Ord])

Simulates the measurement of a moving object using the positive and negative components of a Hadamard matrix.

DynamicLinear(H[, Ord])

Simulates the measurement of a moving object using a measurement matrix.

DynamicLinearSplit(H[, Ord])

Simulates the measurement of a moving object using the positive and negative components of the measurement matrix.

HadamSplit(M, h, Ord)

Simulates the measurement of a still image using the positive and negative components of a Hadamard matrix.

Linear(H[, pinv, reg, Ord])

Simulates the measurement of an still image using a measurement matrix.

LinearSplit(H[, pinv, reg, Ord])

Simulates the measurement of a still image using the computed positive and negative components of the measurement matrix.